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    Gregorio Fontén + Amalia Valdés

    17:00Stützpunkt UG

    Gregorio Fonten is a sonic poet from Chile with a PhD in Sonic Arts from Goldsmiths College, London.

    Amalia Valdés
    is a Chilean artist with a degree in Fine Arts from Finis Terrae University (Chile, 2006) She currently lives and works in Berlin. 
    Her visual research begins with the use of geometry and the depiction of sacred geometry symbols present in Latin American cultures as well as in ancestral civilizations from different parts of the world.

    About our collaboration:
    Amalia Valdes’ pieces carve precise triangles and diagonal lines into musical paper. I took this as a starting point to 1) design a signal processing tool to manipulate audio sources via triangle and sawtooth waves. 2) the kind of gestures and elements that make up the audio sources